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Everson Museum of Art, 60 by 60

Michelle Keib

The local art museum in Syracuse is the Everson Museum of Art. For two years, I was happy to participate in a fundraising event that they called 60 by 60. Sixty artists complete a piece of art in 60 minutes. Event participants buy raffle tickets. They wander around the artists and put their raffle tickets into the buckets of the artists whose pieces they would like to win.

What a gorgeous night. Everyone is under big white tents in the back plaza of the Museum surrounding a large reflecting pool. There is wine and appetizers for all who participate.

Each of the two years, I started a painting but left something missing to be completed on the night of the event. Oil paintings take a month to dry so these were done months in advance in order to give them time to set before transporting and handling them.

Not sure I have enough patterns on here. Maybe should go back for a few more. Plus, wearing two pair of glasses at the same time really makes you look smarter.

That's Jerry Russell over my right shoulder. A very talented Syracuse artist and friend you can find at

Drat! Ran out of time before I got all the little gold fish in. They are just adorable.

It is such a treat to meet the new owners of these paintings. It made them so happy, which made me over joyed. They told me that they had put all of their raffle tickets into my bucket and were really hoping to win. Be careful taking it home. Wet paint!

I decided that I like this painting enough that I wanted to keep it. So, I did another one, only with a more violet blue background, and I got all the gold fish in this time. It's still hanging at my house.

Here is the beginning of the painting for the following year. My printer did a terrible job printing the image. Must have been running out of toner. There was enough to see that I could get the jist.

There is something so appealing about the shape of umbrellas. I have painted umbrellas few times. Its almost like looking at flowers that bloom all at once.

I left the foreground umbrella to be completed the night of the event.

Finished with it's new owner.

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